Kitchen Regulations

Kitchen Regulations

**IMPORTANT NOTICE: Newton Lodge share kitchen open 24 hours. You can use kitchen free of charge with conditions, otherwise you have to pay for it and you might be denied to use.

  1. Clean up all you used IMMEDIATELY and keep kitchen tidy always. Including but not limited to cooking facilities, tableware, tables & chairs, sinks, floor, hanging rack, cloths, storage spaces, refrigerators, and trash bins.
  2. Occupying shared kitchen facilities, tableware and cooking space privately are not allowed. Once you finish cooking, you have to clean them up immediately before eating. Items that are not in used but blocking share facilities will be removed immediately.
  3. Using share container, like Dishes, Bowls, Cooking pots, est. to storage your own food are not allowed. Please use your own container to storage foods.
  4. Taking shared kitchen items, including cutlery and cups, out from kitchen are not allowed. You can only use them inside the kitchen and sitting area.
  5. Make sure cooking facilities are turned off when you left kitchen. If any damage or fire is related to your faulty, you will be charged fine.
  6. We provide rack/space to storage your own items. Please mark name and checkout date clearly with sticker that we provided. One guest should only take one space. Once you check out or if you take more than one, your items will be removed without notice.
  7. Please remove your personal items after used. If you keep it on share space and disturb other guest possibly, your items might be removed without notice.
  8. If your behaviours disturbing other guests or causing negative impact at Newton Lodge, you will be denied to use kitchen.
  9. Refrigerators are shared to all guests. Please mark name and checkout date clearly on your items. Once you check out, or the items expired, the items will be removed without notice. Storage your food with shared kitchenware will be removed without notice.
  10. Items that are leaky, smelly, expired, rotten, obstruct the normal use of the kitchen facilities, or causes inconvenience to others will be removed without further notice.

**Unmentioned matters will be notified separately.
**Accommodation reservations do not include kitchen use. Guests can use the kitchen free of charge as long as guest(s) comply with the above regulations. If guest(s) do not use the kitchen in accordance with the rules, charge will be applied and/or guest(s) be denied to use our kitchen.

Newton Lodge
13th Jun 2023